Monday, April 25, 2016

Expozitia Cărtii de Artist "Alexandru Plamadeală"

Evenimente viitoare / next event
Colegiul de Arte "Alexandru Plamadeală" va găzdui Expozitia Cărtii de Artist, creată de studentii Colegiului de Arte in cadrul workshop-ului Cartea de Artist (December, 2015)
Deschidera Marti, 26 aprilie la 12:30, Sala de Expozitii, Colegiul de Arte "Alexandru Plamadeală" Str. Independentei 1, Chişinău

College of Fine Arts "Alexandru Plamadeala" will be hosting an Exhibition of Artist´s book made by the students of the College of Fine Arts in the frame of the workshop Artist´s Book (December, 2015)
Opening on Tuesday, 26th April at 12:30, Exhibition Hall, College of Fine Arts "Alexandru Plamadeala" Str. Independentia 1, Chişinău)